The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) requires Radiology training to be networked for the 2016 intake of trainees.

RANZCR has developed Principles and Policies for network training and these are in alignment with the HETI Principles for Network Training in NSW.

There are currently 110 trainees in Radiology in NSW registered with RANZCR. There is one network of training sites, Southern Radiology Training Network.

HETI’s framework for network training is based on the following guiding principles:

  • Equity of access for patients to appropriate and high quality care
  • Equity of access for trainees to high quality training
  • A sustainable and transparent process of management and oversight
  • High quality training as a focus for the health system
  • Promoting teaching as an integral and rewarding part of medical practice
  • Increasing training opportunities in NSW that meet the accreditation standards of the College and the relevant State Training Council
  • Consideration of alignment with work of the other Pillars