Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution: The methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution.

Often, committed group members attempt to resolve group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or ideologies to the rest of the group, and by engaging in collective negotiation.

  • Cognitive resolution: the way disputants understand and view the conflict, with beliefs and perspectives and understandings and attitudes.
  • Emotional resolution: in the way disputants feel about a conflict, the emotional energy.
  • Behavioural resolution: how one thinks the disputants act, their behaviour.

Ultimately, a wide range of methods and procedures for addressing conflict exist, including but not limited to negotiationmediationdiplomacy, and creative peacebuilding.

The circle of Willis


Branches of the internal carotid and basilar arteries form an anastomotic ring on the ventral surface of the brain, known as the circle of Willis

The circle of Willis is the ‘central’ anastomotic network linking the internal carotid circulations on each side and the vertebrobasilar circulation

This affords some protection against cerebral infarction in the event of arterial occlusion

The participating arteries are:

  1. The terminal ICAs
  2. The first part of the anterior cerebral arteries (A1 segments)
  3. The anterior communicating artery
  4. The posterior communicating arteries
  5. The first part of the posterior cerebral arteries (P1 segments)
  6. The basilar artery

Small perforating arteries arise from the communicating arteries

In the axial plane the ‘circle’ has a polygonal configuration within the suprasellar cistern

Hypoplasia or aplasia of it components parts is common and the circle is complete in only a minority of individuals

This anastomosis between right and left internal carotid arteries, their branches and the posterior cerebral arteries forms a circle that encloses the optic chasm and the pituitary stalk in the suprasellar and interpeduncular cisterns.

The circle of Willis is subject to many variations. Although it is complete in 90% of subjects, variation of at least one vessel, enough to affect its role as a collateral route, is found in 60% of people.

The reported incidence of each variant depends on the methods used to identify the vessels of the circle of Willis.

The most commonly variant vessel is the posterior communicating artery

Commonest variants of the circle of Willis:

  1. Hypoplastic posterior communicating artery (22%)
  2. Large posterior communicating artery associated with a reduction in size of the proximal part of the ipsilateral posterior cerebral artery so that the posterior cerebral artery effectively receives its supply from the middle cerebral artery (reports of incidence vary from 6% to 40%). Such an artery is called a ‘fetal’ posterior communicating artery
  3. Hypoplastic proximal segment of the anterior cerebral artery (the precommunicating horizontal A1 segment) on one side, with both anterior cerebral vessels supplied from that of the other side (30%)
  4. Hypoplastic anterior communicating artery (3%)
  5. Anterior cerebral artery may be fused as a single trunk, an azygos anterior cerebral artery

Digitalization in Radiology

Digital radiography refers to application of digital image processing techniques to projection radiography.

A number of different image acquisition techniques are possible in digital radiography. These include:

1) Film digitalisation

2) Computed radiography (CR)

3) Digital radiography

4) Digital fluoroscopy (DF)

5) Digital fluorography

Digitalization brings many advantages. The effectiveness of radiology is rapidly growing and the results can be accessed through compuer not only by radiologist, but also by referring physician, almost immediately.

The input costs are relatively high, bt lead to the reduction of operating expenses due to exclusion of film material, chemicals, service and cost of developing machine. The risk of film loss, absence of old documentation and difficult archiving are issues out of date

The possibility to edit images is very valuable not only to the physician, but brings benefits also to the patients. The radiation dose is reduced by reduction of bad quality images. Additional changes in terms of zoom, contrast adjustment, brightness, rotation, different filters use and at last, but not least post-processing (i.e. 3D reconstruction) are options that were not available in past.

Development of these technologies has brough a necessity for systems, known as Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) – capable of archiving and sorting such amount of data. PACS are necessary for optimal management of many examinations from different modalities. There are many different types nowadays, either independent or in fusion with Hospital Information System (HIS) and Radiology Information System (RIS)

One of the most serious problems, related to the film-free hospital is data archiving. Other issue is a serious hardware problem in long term. One practical solution seems to be the PACS as an archive system for all modalities

A film-free hospital is a system, which increases the effectiveness of physicians, increases patients comfort and spares work and fiances in a long term point of view.




  • A medical imaging technology which provides economical storage of and convenient access to image from multiple modalities
  • Electronic images and reports are transmitted digitally via PACS; this eliminates the need to manually file, retrieve, or transport film jackets
  • Consists of 4 major components:
    1. The imaging modalities
    2. A secured network for the transmission of patient information
    3. Workstation for interpreting and reviewing images
    4. Archieve for the storage and retrieval of images and reports
  • Combined with web technology, PACS has the ability to deliver timely and efficient access to images, interpretations, and related data
  • PACS breaks down the physical and time barriers associated with traditional film-based image retrieval, distribution and display
  • All PACS should also interface with existing hospital information systems: Hospital information system (HIS) and Radiology Information System (RIS)


  • A computerized database used by radioloy departments to store, manipulate and distribute patient radiological data and imagery
  • Generally consists of patient tracking and scheduling, result reporting and imaging tracking capabilities
  • Complements HIS and is critical to efficient workflow to radiology practices


  1. Time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing
  2. Immediate image preview and availability
  3. A wider dynamic range, which makes it more forgiving for over- and under-exposure
  4. The ability to apply special image processing techniques that enhance overall display of the image
  5. The ability to digitally transfer and enhance images
  6. Less radiation can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional radiograph
  7. Access to various types of collection
  8. Save space and cost


  1. Legal issue
  2. Cost

The hospitals save money from lower film cost, reduced requirement for storage space and lesser staff required to run the services and archiving sections. The images are instantly available for distribution to the clinical services without the time and physical effort needed to retrieve film packets and reviewing previous imaging on a patient is much easier

Compared to conventional film-screen systems, complete digitalisation of a radiology department improve workflow, exam speed and comfort 

Sievert (Sv)

The sievert is the special name for the SI unit of equivalent dose, effective dose, and operational dose quantities.

The unit is joule per kilogram

It is used both to represent the risk of the effect of external radiation and internal irradiation

Conventionally the sievert is not used for high levels of radiation which produce deterministic effectsThese effects are compared to the physical quantity absorbed dose measured by the unit gray (Gy).

The sievert is of fundamental importance in dosimetry and radiation protection, and is named after Rolf Maximilian Sievert,Swedish medical physicist renowned for work on radiation dosage measurement and research into the biological effects of radiation.

NB:Equivalent dose

  • Is derived from absorbed dose multiplied by a radiation weighting factor
  • Is measured in Sieverts (Sv)
  • Is not averaged over all tissues of the body
  • Is not the same as absorbed dose for neutrons; As the radiation weight factor for neutrons range from 5 to 20

Why do you (or I) want to do specialise radiology? – Imported

Radiology is an amazing medical specialty that continues to draw some of the best and brightest doctors. Reasons why I like radiology:

1.) Breadth/Diversity: You are an expert on the imaging and the diagnosis of disease of the whole body. Your knowledge of whole body anatomy and pathology is called into use every day. If you want to sub-specialize, you can do so and become an expert on a particular region or system.

2.) Technology: Radiology is one of the most high-tech areas in medicine. In 1970 there was no CT or MR. US was still in a primitive state, and radiography was the main imaging modality. Today all these modalities as well as nuclear medicine scans are interpreted by radiologists.

3.) Fun day to day work: To me, each case is like a little puzzle. We know a bit of the history, and we have the imaging, and we use our knowledge to make the diagnosis. It is a job which makes good use of medical knowledge.

4.) Along the above lines of breadth and innovastion, there is a branch of radiology called interventional radiology in which a radiologist performs minimal-access procedures such as angiograms and biopsies under imaging guidance.

5.) You are a consultant to other doctors, a role many of us like. Some people state that lack of patient contact is a downside but you can have contact in interventional rads and US, and you have constant contact with techs and other referring docs. I love being at the centre of a busy radiology dept.

6.) Lifestyle: This was not the most important factor for me, but many poeple like the Rads lifestyle. You have more control over your hours and type of job than most other docs. You can get into private practice or academics. You are not tied to hospitals unless you want to be. The pay and hours are excellent, better than most other specialties.

7.) Most radiologists I have met are *extremely* happy!!

Hope that thelped. Good luck in your career choices.

Radiology Training Networks in NSW

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) requires Radiology training to be networked for the 2016 intake of trainees.

RANZCR has developed Principles and Policies for network training and these are in alignment with the HETI Principles for Network Training in NSW.

There are currently 110 trainees in Radiology in NSW registered with RANZCR. There is one network of training sites, Southern Radiology Training Network.

HETI’s framework for network training is based on the following guiding principles:

  • Equity of access for patients to appropriate and high quality care
  • Equity of access for trainees to high quality training
  • A sustainable and transparent process of management and oversight
  • High quality training as a focus for the health system
  • Promoting teaching as an integral and rewarding part of medical practice
  • Increasing training opportunities in NSW that meet the accreditation standards of the College and the relevant State Training Council
  • Consideration of alignment with work of the other Pillars

Recent advances in imaging technology

Recent advances in imaging technology – like CT scans, MRIs, PET scans, and other techniques — have had a huge impact on the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Advances in imaging over the last five years have revolutionized almost every aspect of medicine.

More detailed imaging is allowing doctors to see things in new ways. Imaging can provide early and more accurate diagnoses. In some cases, it might even lead to better and more successful treatment.

Just about every field of medicine is using imaging more than they used to. I’m not saying that the physical exam is a dying art. But doctors are coming to see just how valuable and accurate these tests can be

Four Big Advances in Imaging

There have been many improvements to imaging technology in recent years. Here are a few that experts singled out as especially significant.

Computed Tomography (CT) Angiography:

It is one of the greatest advances in imaging

Just a few years ago, an angiography could only be done by inserting a

catheter into an artery. In the procedure, contrast material is injected through

the catheter. Catheter angiography can take up to several hours. It often

requires sedatives and sometimes a night in the hospital. It also has risks, like

a small chance of blood clots or bleeding.

The newest CT scans allow a completely noninvasive way to get the same

information as an invasive catheter angiography

In a CT angiography, the doctor just injects the contrast material into the arm

and takes a CT scan. The whole process takes just 10-25 minutes. It’s safer,

faster, and cheaper than the traditional way.

CT angiography hasn’t completely replaced the old technique. For example,

traditional angiography is still commonly used to evaluate heart arteries for


Imaging Tests Instead of Exploratory Surgery 

One of the biggest changes in the use of imaging is that it has largely

replaced exploratory surgery.

In the past, we had to do surgery just to see what was going on inside the

body. But CT scans, MR scans, and ultrasound have become so good that 

they have largely done away with the need for the surgical approach

PET/CT Scans for Cancer 

PET (positron emission tomography) scanning is not new. But it has become

increasingly important in recent years, particularly since it was combined with

CT scanning in one device.

PET scanning has been around for a long time. But for years no one was

sure just what to do with it

Unlike many other imaging technologies, PET scans aren’t designed to look

at organs or tissue. Instead, they can image biological functions, like blood

flow or glucose metabolism. PET is able to pick up the metabolic changes

associated with cancer much earlier than you could see tumors or other

physical changes in the organs.

PET/CT scans give a doctor a broader view of a person’s condition.

By fusing PET and CT, you get to see both the metabolic information of PET

and the anatomic detail of CT at once. It’s a big advance.

Digital Mammography 

Digital mammography for breast cancer screening is a significant leap

forward. It gives us a much higher level of detail than older technology.

Digital mammograms produce similar results to traditional mammograms,

which use X-rays and film. But the digital approach has several advantages.

Digital mammograms are easier and faster to perform. And since they are

digital, it’s very easy for a doctor to send the images instantly to other experts

or medical centers.

Early studies showed that digital mammography worked as well as traditional

mammography in detecting breast cancer. A 2005 study published in The

New England Journal of Medicine found digital mammography was actually

more accurate for some women. This includes women who were under 50,

women with dense breast tissue, premenopausal women, and women who

were around the age of menopause.

Easier, Faster Imaging Exams Yield Better Information

It’s not just the quality and detail of the images that has improved. Some advances have made the actual experience of having an imaging exam easier.

For one thing, they are a lot faster.

The full length of an exam varies depending on the person and the type of imaging. But MRI takes between 20 to 40 minutes. However, the imaging itself only takes up a few seconds or minutes of that time. (The rest is taken up by the technicians preparing the exam.)

Because the exams are quicker, fewer people need sedation or pain medicine to lie still.

Open MRIs Ease Claustrophobia

Other modifications are helping too. For many people, MRIs have traditionally been an unpleasant experience. In standard MRI exams, a person slides into a narrow tube and has to stay there for the length of the exam. People with claustrophobia can find it unbearable.

There have been “open MR” imagers for years. They are not enclosed on the sides and are less restrictive. But experts also say they may be less accurate.

In the past, there were trade-offs between the openness of an MRI and the image quality. But we’re seeing the gaps being narrowed.

New MRI machines are available that are just as accurate as traditional ones, but much shorter, so that they never fully enclose the person.

Another problem with some older imaging devices is that they couldn’t accommodate heavy people. That has been at least partially resolved. With new machines, we can give exams to people who are 350-400 pounds. But because of image degradation, imaging tests for the obese are often less accurate in general than for people of average weight.

Using Imaging for Routine Screening — the Pros and Cons

A topic that’s spurred interest and debate is screening apparently healthy people for cancer, heart disease, and other problems. Sophisticated imaging tests can sometimes detect disease in very early stages, long before a person shows any other symptoms.

So given the obvious benefits, why isn’t everyone in America being screened? It turns out that there are some real drawbacks to routine screening.

First of all, imaging has risks. Many tests involve exposure to small amounts of radiation or radioactive material. While the odds that this could cause harm are low, they still exist

The other problem is that screening can detect abnormalities that don’t actually need any treatment. But once the doctor sees them, further tests must be ordered to make sure that these abnormalities are harmless. So people may need a number of tests or even surgery — and suffer a lot of anxiety – only to discover that they didn’t need treatment!

There are a lot of nonspecific abnormalities. For instance, an enormous number of people have nodules in their chests. But only a fraction of them actually turn out to be cancer. Universal screening could lead to a lot of unnecessary and risky tests and procedures.

Even in apparently healthy people who really do have a disease, screening may not always help. Catching the disease early and stopping it would be great. But lots of times, that doesn’t happen. You find the disease earlier, you treat it earlier, but the outcome is the same and the person dies anyway. Early detection helps many people, of course. But it doesn’t always make a difference. For those who aren’t helped, it leads to tests, treatments, and intense distress much earlier than someone who wasn’t screened.

Smarter Use of Imaging for Screening

As for now, no one recommends routine high-tech screening for everyone. The American College of Radiology does not endorse whole body screening of healthy people. It probably shouldn’t be done, since there’s no proof that it saves lives or even improves them.

I think it’s fair to say that at this point, the only cancer screening that we know to work in reducing the death rate is mammography. Everything else is undergoing testing or completely unproven.

But experts are trying to figure out how to use screening as a tool for people at higher risk of certain diseases. As imaging exams become safer and more accurate, the pros of screening may outweigh the cons. As MR screening continues to improve, and as we lower the dose of radiation with CT, routine screening will make sense for a bigger and bigger proportion of people.

Imaging Moved Into the Operating Room

Soon, imaging tests may not only be used to diagnose disease. They may also become a key part of some medical procedures. During minimally invasive surgery, imaging will allow surgeons to see inside the body better, to improve treatment and minimize complications.

Minimally invasive surgery and new imaging technologies are developing hand in hand. MRI in particular but also other technologies, like ultrasound — may have the ability to monitor a surgery in real time. They could potentially detect when all of a tumor was removed, or when a surgeon was accidentally beginning to harm normal tissue.

Using MRI during brain surgery is already helping. The studies are still being done. But I’ve seen that combining the surgeon’s eyes with MR improves the operation. Because the human eye, even with a microscope, just can’t see what an MR can see.

CT scans are starting to be used to create computer-generated models of the heart for use during surgery. During the operation, the 3D model is shown on a screen, and it moves and rotates to show where the surgeon currently is in the heart. It’s a great innovation. Experts say that imaging will become even more detailed and focused in the future.

In the next 20 years, imaging technology is going to focus on the molecular and cellular levels. Instead of only seeing the gross anatomy like we do now, we’re going to be looking at metabolism and physiology. PET scanning is the first step in this direction.

In general, imaging technology is certain to become faster and more accurate. More combination devices like the CT/PET scan are inevitable.

There are some prototype PET/MR scanners now and people are talking about CT/MR scanners.

Fusing different imaging techniques will allow doctors to get a much fuller understanding of a person’s condition.

Frequency, outcome, and appropriateness of treatment of nonionic iodinated contrast media reactions



AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008 Aug;191(2):409-15. doi: 10.2214/AJR.07.3421.

Frequency, outcome, and appropriateness of treatment of nonionic iodinated contrast media reactions.

Wang CL1, Cohan RHEllis JHCaoili EMWang GFrancis IR.


The objective of our study was to evaluate the frequency, outcome, and appropriateness of treatment of adults with acute allergiclike reactions related to IV-administered nonionic iodinated contrast media.


For IV injections of nonionic iodinated contrast media between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2005, contrast reaction reports and medical records of patients in whom contrast reactions occurred were reviewed. Data collected included patient sex and age, symptoms, reaction manifestations, treatment, and long-term sequelae. The appropriateness and efficacy of patient management were assessed.


Allergic-type reactions occurred in 545 (0.6%) of patients injected with nonionic iodinated contrast media: 418 (77%) reactions were mild, 116 (21%) were moderate, and 11 (2%) were severe. Two hundred twenty-one patients (41%) received treatment. The most commonly administered medication was diphenhydramine (145 patients or 27%). Corticosteroids were administered to 17 patients, nebulized albuterol to 16, and epinephrine to 15. Although 99% of the treatments did not result in any complication, three patients may have had short-term sequelae as a result of receiving a nonrecommended treatment.


Patients usually do well after developing acute allergiclike reactions to nonionic iodinated contrast media. Fortunately, in our series, this was true even in the rare cases in which the instituted treatment was considered to be inappropriate. Reacting patients rarely develop serious long-term sequelae.
